In the charming city of Da Lat, Recycle Dalat is embarking on an exciting mission to empower the youth with its “Hero is Easy” campaign. On February 20, we had the privilege of engaging with the passionate students of Yersin Dalat High School, sparking discussions and providing guidance on the effective and influential classification of plastic waste.
A Day of Learning and Empowerment
Our event was more than just an informative session; it was a vibrant exchange of ideas and a practical guide to making a difference. Enthusiastic young volunteers, driven by their love for the environment, joined us in supporting each class to correctly name and categorize waste materials. Through these hands-on activities, we aimed to instill in the students a deep awareness of the importance of proper waste classification.
Spreading Awareness and Action
Recycle Dalat’s sharing session left a lasting impact on the young minds of Yersin High School. We encouraged them not only to be aware of the need for proper waste classification but also to take proactive steps to spread this knowledge to those around them. The goal was to create a ripple effect of positive change in their community.
A Heartfelt Thank You
Recycle Dalat extends its sincere gratitude to the Board of Directors, teachers, and students of Yersin High School for their wholehearted participation, attentive listening, and active engagement in our environmental protection activities. We are eager to witness the maturity and great love these students will demonstrate as they take on the responsibility of effectively and positively classifying plastic waste. Together, we are working towards building a greener community and reducing CO2 emissions in our beloved city of Da Lat.
Discovering Yersin High School
Yersin High School is the youngest high school in Da Lat, known for its commitment to being a pioneering educational institution. They wholeheartedly embrace the cause of educational socialization, with a mission to enhance knowledge, nurture talents, and provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary for personal growth. Their vision extends beyond the classroom, aiming to prepare students for success in their careers and contribute to the socio-economic development of the knowledge economy in the new era.
In Conclusion, the “Hero is Easy” campaign marks the beginning of a journey towards a greener and more sustainable Da Lat. Recycle Dalat believes that by empowering young change-makers today, we are nurturing a generation that will lead the way towards a brighter and more eco-conscious future for our beloved city and beyond.