Join the Waste Classification Campaign with Recycle Dalat: Be a Changemaker for Da Lat!

📣 Hey Everyone!

Exciting news! The waste classification and collection campaign by Recycle Dalat has officially kicked off in local schools. And guess what? The “golden opportunity” is now open for you, fellow Da Lat enthusiast, to join us in taking action. Don’t wait any longer; let’s dive in and discover how you can get involved! 🚨

**1️⃣ Start Collecting and Send to Us**

Begin your journey today by collecting plastic waste. Once you’ve gathered your plastics, send them to our collection point at:

📍 XTea & Birthday Cake – Dalat Birthday Cake

📍 50F Bui Thi Xuan, Ward 2, Da Lat (Next to Bui Thi Xuan school gate)

We’re ready to receive your contributions during the following time frame: 13:30-16:00 every Sunday.


Guideline on how to classify 7 types of plastic

**2️⃣ Exchange Plastic Waste for Gifts/Vouchers**

Our campaign not only promotes responsible waste disposal but also offers you exciting incentives! Every Sunday, alongside waste collection, you can participate in various engaging activities.

🚨 Important Note: Please ensure that the plastic waste you bring is clean and properly prepared. Additionally, we also accept used batteries!

Did you know? For every 1 kilogram of plastic waste collected, we effectively reduce CO2 emissions by 2.5 kilograms in Da Lat. Moreover, for every 5 kilograms of plastic waste collected, we’ll plant a tree in collaboration with the Joy Foundation. Small actions, but they carry immense significance, right?

If you share our love for Da Lat, let’s unite and take action together. It’s time to bid farewell to plastic pollution and embrace a greener way of life. ❗❗

Our weekly activities

Join us in the Waste Classification Campaign, and let’s pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable Da Lat. Together, we can make a big difference! 🌱🌍

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