In the picturesque city of Da Lat, Recycle Dalat continues its mission to inspire a new generation of environmental stewards. On March 6, we had the privilege of collaborating with Dong Da School to conduct a special training session on waste classification. This event brought together students, dedicated volunteers, and eco-conscious individuals from our community to educate and empower the youth on the significance of correctly categorizing various types of plastic waste.
A Day of Learning and Action
Our waste classification training was more than just an informative session; it was a hands-on experience designed to equip students with practical knowledge. Volunteers, driven by their passion for the environment, enthusiastically joined us to guide each class through the process of identifying and correctly classifying waste materials. Witnessing the dedication of both students and volunteers was truly heartening as they actively engaged in this essential environmental endeavor.
Gratitude to Our Partners
Recycle Dalat extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Board of Directors, teachers, and students of Dong Da Middle and High School for their enthusiastic participation, attentiveness, and active involvement in our environmental activities. We are eager to witness the positive changes that will emanate from the students as they take on the responsibility of effectively categorizing plastic waste. Together, we are working towards building a greener community and reducing CO2 emissions in our cherished city of Da Lat.
A Glance at Dong Da Middle and High School
With a legacy spanning over three decades, Dong Da Middle and High School has been a pillar of education in Da Lat. Throughout its establishment and development, the teachers and students of this institution have remained committed to delivering quality education. They’ve excelled in both teaching and learning, consistently fulfilling their educational mission and receiving unwavering support from leaders, the community, and local authorities.
In Conclusion, our waste classification training at Dong Da School represents another step toward nurturing a generation that cares deeply about the environment. We firmly believe that by instilling these eco-friendly habits today, we are sowing the seeds for a greener, more sustainable Da Lat and a brighter future beyond.